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Seeking the Shalom of the City Through Small Groups within the Faith Family

You are invited to visit our Community Groups!

Each week, our church family gathers in homes, located throughout the city.

We share a meal, pray for one another, and study the Bible together.

This is a great way to get to know people and build strong relationships.


Note: during pandemic time, groups are exercising discernment with gatherings

and many are choosing online only, or a hybrid.  There is still an emphasis on studying God's word and sharing one another's burdens and joys in community.

More Jesus Followers

To see new followers of Jesus enter into the family of God is paramount in the mission that Christ gave to his church. However, Christ did not command us to simply convince people that the things we read in our Bible are true, but rather for His people to become every day disciples of Jesus. This means those who are both new and old to the faith are continually striving to become more like Jesus; growing in personal holiness, love, and compassion on a daily basis. So, in Community Groups our aim is to see people’s lives transformed by the faithful study and understanding of God’s Living Word (the Bible), praying with each other (appealing to our Lord for our brothers and sisters) and through intentional communal livings (bearing each other’s burdens). The world will know that we are Christians by the way that we love each other and through the love that we have for one another, we will see many come to know our Lord.

In More Neighborhoods

The meaning of the name Community Groups is twofold. First, those who are within the faith family of Canal Street Church are living in community together. Secondly, Community Groups have responsibility to live out the Great Commission, which is why we meet in homes. Just like each neighborhood in New Orleans has a different feel and personality, so do each of our community groups. Therefore, each group is able minister in their own neighborhoods. So, our goal is to have many groups in many neighborhoods in order to bless those neighborhoods.


In a more just and caring world

As followers of Jesus we have the responsibility to advance the kingdom of God. As individuals and a community, we are to seek justice in all of our relationships. We strive to have a deep relationship with our Lord which helps us have deep relationships with every person we come in contact with. Through engaging neighbors and being hospitable, a Community Group is able to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who are around them. Because all people are created in the Image of God, we advocate for the dignity and value of all people. Community Groups strives to sharpen those who are a part of the group to seek the shalom of the world in their everyday interactions. Because each community group is situated outside of the church walls and in the homes of our church members, they have an amazing opportunity to be the Church to those who need Christ’s love the most. As a faith community, we work towards seeing the manifestation of the kingdom of God prior to its full realization.


All for the greater glory of God!

Everything that Canal Street Church does is to bring glory to the Lord and Community Groups are no different. We live our lives in communities and within community for this purpose – that God is exalted in the lives of his people and in our city.

In-Person & Online 10am

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Worship Service

Sundays at 10:00am



Available for children 3 and under, during worship service.


Children's Worship

Sundays, K-5th

during worship service.


* 1st Sunday of the month

children remain in sanctuary *


Youth Group

First Friday each month

Fellowhsip Hall

Grades 6-12

4302 Canal Street

New Orleans, LA 70119




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